
Mastering the Sacroiliac Joint (SIJ): Functional Assessment and Rehabilitation

15 Students Enrolled
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ZAR 435.00
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CPD Points : 1

The Functional Assessment of the Sacroiliac Joint (SIJ) course is designed to provide participants with a comprehensive understanding of the SIJ’s anatomy, biomechanics, and its role in musculoskeletal function. The SIJ is a critical junction in the pelvis, and plays a crucial role in stability, weight transmission, and movement. During this course, Fiona Lamberti will delve into the various assessment techniques used to identify SIJ dysfunction, including a combination of clinical examination, special tests, and functional assessments.By the end of this course, your expertise to differentiate SIJ-related issues from other lumbar and hip pathologies and formulate effective treatment plans will be enhanced. Join us and elevate your practice by mastering the complexities of the SIJ and delivering exceptional patient care.

Course Description

The following topics will be addressed during this course:

  • Kinematics of the pelvic girdle
  • Osteokinematics of the pelvic girdle during the One Leg Standing test, Flexion and Extension of the lumbar spine
  • Active Straight leg Raise
  • Passive tests of the neutral zone of the SIJ
  • Clinical reasoning of your findings
  • Schematic diagram of how to go about this functional assessment

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Beate Hohls
Posted 2 years ago
Functional assessment of SI Joint

Good methodical approach to find the structures at fault to be able to treat SI joint dysfunctions effectively.

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