Subjective Assessment and Understanding the Process of Clinical Reasoning

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ZAR 380.00
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  • Presenter: Lindsay Harris
  • Duration: 1 hour
  • Attendees: Physiotherapists
  • CEU’s:  2
  • Price: R380

The Subjective Assessment needs to be carried out with clarity and confidence.  If you don’t get your subjective assessment right, then ultimately your objective assessment, treatment and rehabilitation are going to be built on quicksand.  If you lack confidence and stumble through your subjective assessment – you are missing the opportunity to set your patient up for success.  It does not matter what the patient has come to you for, they have taken the steps to come to you in order to deal with their problem – need to get this right.  This is your chance to gather information – using your clinical reasoning skills to make sense of these findings. When well executed you Subjective Ax = powerful tool.  It’s the beginning of the patients journey but you need to know how and why you gather this information.  If you use the correct questions, you can begin to create a hypothesis, which will move you toward your Objective Assessment. Using testing to source evidence leading you to a possible diagnosis, rehabilitation, and treatment plan. The wrong questions asked is a wasted opportunity and the destination will be overwhelm.

In this course you will learn:

In this presentation you will learn why the subjective assessment is so important.  It is our first contact with the patient, and getting it right is key to “winning” the patient over and an ongoing journey with your patient.  You will learn why we ask the questions we ask.  How to start clinically reasoning from the “get-go”.  You will learn how to navigate the subjective patient depending on whether your patient presents as an acute or chronic patient.  You will understand the concept of “SIN” – severity, intensity, and nature.  Using the visual analogue scale, you can assess not only pain, but any leading symptoms.  Navigating the red and yellow flags acts as our and the patient’s safety net – learn why gathering this information is key.  Finally – put it all together.  Create one or numerous hypotheses and plan your objective assessment.

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