Expert healthcare professionals in their respective fields with a passion for gaining and sharing knowledge
Dr Neil Cable
MBBCh (Wits)
Dr Cable is an Orthopaedic Surgeon who specialises in the management of Shoulder and Elbow conditions. After graduating from Medical School (WITS – MBBCh 1999) and specialising as an Orthopaedic Surgeon in 2006 (FC Orth SA), he developed his interest in his sub-speciality while working as a Consultant at Helen Joseph Hospital in Johannesburg. In 2010, he began his full-time private practice at Netcare Linksfield Hospital as part of the Upper Limb Unit, where he manages a wide spectrum of shoulder and elbow conditions.
Dr Cable has had opportunity to present on various shoulder and elbow topics both locally and internationally. When he is not busy saving the world one shoulder at a time, he tries to manage his household well and to retain his crowns on his local Strava segments.

Part 2 : A logical and Repeatable Approach to Assessment of the Shoulder – Live Patient Presentation
3 Students EnrolledPresenter: Neil Cable
There are many reasons why the assessment of a patient with a shoulder problem is often approached with apprehension and uncertainty.

Part 1 : A logical and Repeatable Approach to Assessment of the Shoulder – Slide Presentation
8 Students EnrolledPresenter: Neil Cable
There are many reasons why the assessment of a patient with a shoulder problem is often approached with apprehension and uncertainty. The shoulder girdle is a complex, integrated unit made of interconnected structures and even more complex mechanics.
Number Speaks