
Expert healthcare professionals in their respective fields with a passion for gaining and sharing knowledge

Dr Quinton Accone


Dr Quinton Accone started his medical career as a General Practitioner for 10 years during which time he specialised in Family medicine (Member of the College of Family Practitioners) as well as obtaining an MBA. After a brief sabbatical from clinical medicine to test the waters of the corporate world, Dr Accone decided to dive back into medicine and specialise in Orthopaedic Surgery at the University of The Witwatersrand. After qualifying as an Orthopaedic Surgeon with his FCorth, he was recruited to be the Head of Orthopaedics at Natalspruit Hospital, a post which he held for for 3 years. During the period he was there he also concurrently completed a one year knee fellowship with Dr Ponky Firer at Linksfield Hospital. He continued with his postgraduate education and training by attending local and international courses as well assisting prominent surgeons in the fields of shoulder arthroscopy, hip arthroscopy and hip arthroplasty (anterior or AMIS approach). He is currently in private practice at the Bedford Life Hospital as well as the Morningside Mediclinic specialising in the shoulder, knee and hip joints. This includes arthroscopic or sports related surgery as well as arthroplasty of these joints. He is currently one of very few surgeons in the country performing hip arthroscopies for various hip pathologies including cam and pincer deformities and labral tears. He is a member of the South African Orthopaedic Association and a member of the South African Hip Arthroscopy Society.


Examination of the Hip

Hip Examination and Diagnosis: A Practical Approach to Accurate Assessment of Hip Pathology

8 Students Enrolled

Presenter: Dr. Quinton Accone

Pathology of the hip area may present as backache, lateral thigh pain, groin pain, hip pain and even knee pain. Cross referrals between doctors, specialists and allied health-workers are common, however the terminology of the diagnosis can be very different, which adds to the difficulty. 

Number Speaks







What Our Students Have to Say

As the current evidence used, and treatment approaches taught... Were very applicable to my current setting.The online experience was new, but was interactive. I would definitely do another one.
Jaime Crowie
Thanks Tanya and all involved for the online presentation. The shoulder really is complicated and there is just always more to learn.
Thank you so much – as always your courses are of high standard and quality. And the presentation went more than well! Congratulations.
I recently did the deep gluteal course - It was fantastic and solved my problems. Living on top of a hill and doing all my house work was the cause but your were the solution. Thanks so much🙏.
Kathy Hodgson
Thanks again for your courses! It has been great to access them from Limpopo, especially given all the difficulty it would involve to get from Limpopo to wherever you are lecturing, or trying to organize the course in Limpopo.
Michele Kroger
Thank-you for another brilliant course run by Lectureworx. The amount of research that the Physio's are doing to expand their knowledge, and therefore ours -by sharing all their valuable information/ experience, is astounding.
Debbie Prinsloo
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