
Expert healthcare professionals in their respective fields with a passion for gaining and sharing knowledge

Fiona Lamberti ​

BSc Physio (Stell)
MSc Physio (Wits)

My career started working for Sklaar and Laidler, in the South of JHB.

This was a huge learning experience for me and I was fortunate enough to be tutored by amazing physiotherapists. During this time I completed my OMT1, which was another huge learning curve.

I started my own practice in 2004, and in the past 12 years have grown the Lamberti Group to 5 branches in the Northern Suburbs of JHB, and 2 branches in the Northern Suburbs of Cape Town. Our practice was accredited by the SASP in 2016.

I have a firm belief that we are all able to teach each other something,

and this is the reason I play a small part in lecturing and assisting on both OMT and SPT. Not only can I hopefully teach others something, but by doing so I continue to learn from others.

Since 2011 I have focused on the many Fascial Techniques being presented and have found that Anatomy Trains together with Stecco’s Fascial Manipulation has proven to have excellent benefits in all spheres of treatment. I continue to grow my knowledge in this very extensive and diverse method of treatment.

On SPT, I lecture on Cervicogenic headaches and the assessment of the cervical and lumbar spines.

Since 2018 I am the senior lecturer for Assessment and Treatment of the Sacro-iliac joint.



Cervical Spine in Sport

4 Students Enrolled

Module 1 – PSPC
Presenter: Fiona Lamberti

In this course your knowledge of the anatomy and kinematics of the cervical spine will be refreshed…


Mastering the Sacroiliac Joint (SIJ): Functional Assessment and Rehabilitation

15 Students Enrolled

Presenter: Fiona Lamberti

Kinematics of the pelvic girdle, Osteokinematics of the pelvic girdle during the One Leg Standing test, Flexion and Extension of the lumbar spine

Cervical Spine and Cervicogenic Headaches

Part 2: The Cervical Spine and Cervicogenic Headaches – Live Patient Presentation

11 Students Enrolled

Presenter: Fiona Lamberti

Differentiation of headaches. Migraine, Tension Type, Cluster and Cervicogenic, Differentiating cervicogenic dizziness from other causes of dizziness.

Cervical Spine and Cervicogenic Headaches

Part 1: The Cervical Spine and Cervicogenic Headaches – Slide Presentation

15 Students Enrolled

Presenter: Fiona Lamberti

Differentiation of headaches. Migraine, Tension Type, Cluster and Cervicogenic, Differentiating cervicogenic dizziness from other causes of dizziness.

Number Speaks







What Our Students Have to Say

As the current evidence used, and treatment approaches taught... Were very applicable to my current setting.The online experience was new, but was interactive. I would definitely do another one.
Jaime Crowie
Thanks Tanya and all involved for the online presentation. The shoulder really is complicated and there is just always more to learn.
Thank you so much – as always your courses are of high standard and quality. And the presentation went more than well! Congratulations.
I recently did the deep gluteal course - It was fantastic and solved my problems. Living on top of a hill and doing all my house work was the cause but your were the solution. Thanks so much🙏.
Kathy Hodgson
Thanks again for your courses! It has been great to access them from Limpopo, especially given all the difficulty it would involve to get from Limpopo to wherever you are lecturing, or trying to organize the course in Limpopo.
Michele Kroger
Thank-you for another brilliant course run by Lectureworx. The amount of research that the Physio's are doing to expand their knowledge, and therefore ours -by sharing all their valuable information/ experience, is astounding.
Debbie Prinsloo
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