CPD Points : 1
Course Description
Post-natal physiotherapy is a hugely rewarding area of physiotherapy. It is so good for the physiotherapist’s soul. The post-natal ward is a happy place. It’s a place where special things are happening. Every now and again there is a heart-breaking situation – a stillborn or a termination of pregnancy due to birth defects – but mostly it is a place of wonder and miracles. And even during these heart-breaking moments, it is a privilege to be part of the maternity ward support team.
The physiotherapist works as part of the team including midwives, lactation consultants, nursing staff and gynaecologists. The relief and support that physiotherapy can offer, is immense and new Moms are always so grateful that someone is thinking about them and their wellbeing.
New Moms have never been as isolated as they are at the moment because of the restrictions of COVID-19. As physiotherapists, we play an integral part in supporting these new Moms and helping them to feel less alone.
This talk will cover the role of the physiotherapist in the post-natal period, how COVID-19 is affecting this period and how we have to adapt our physiotherapy management. It will provide a guide for physiotherapists with an interest in post-natal women’s health with the ultimate aim of helping lots of new Moms out there.
By the end of this talk, the physiotherapist will have a good idea of how to assess, treat and manage a patient in the early post-natal period. Both subjective and objective examinations specific to post-natal patients are covered, as well as what to include in treatment during this period. By the end of the talk, the physiotherapist will have the tools to start assessing, treating, and supporting new Moms.