Rehabilitation in Sport – There is no ‘One Size Fits All’

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Andi Michlo(Tester)
Posted 2 years ago


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Carien Coetzee
Posted 3 years ago
Simple, yet informative course

The course is simple and easy to follow. A great summary of the things we know, the things we forget and the applicable research.

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CPD Points : 1

Course Outline

There are so many different sports, so many different levels of competency, skill sets and competition. Also, each individual athlete can respond profoundly differently to a specific injury, both physically and psychologically, as well as to the prescribed rehabilitation. For these reasons, and many others, there is no ‘one size fits all’ approach.

So how do we tailor our prescriptive rehabilitation to meet such variations and demands?

Based on all these considerations this presentation expands on my top 11 tips.

  1. Know the Sport.
  2. Get to understand the athlete in front of you.
  3. Conduct a thorough and detailed subjective assessment (interview).
  4. Keep objective tests to a minimum. ‘Less is More’.
  5. Use specific biomechanical loading tests especially if the injury is persistent or has developed over time.
  6. Clinically reason your findings and develop a working hypothesis.
  7. Prescribe a rehabilitation program that is specific to the time in the season (pre-season, competition, post-season).
  8. Prescribe a rehabilitation program that is relevant to that specific athlete as well as to that stage and severity of the injury.
  9. Advice, reassurance, and education are paramount.
  10. Utilise the help of experts in their fields.
  11. Listen. Be flexible and adaptive.

In this presentation I look forward to expanding on these ‘tips’, as well as suggesting various entry points into different stages of rehabilitation, all with specific exercises and loading principles

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