Musculoskeletal injuries are on the rise due to varying risk factors including poor work practices, poor overall health habits, poor rest and recovery and poor fitness and dehydration. In the general, musculoskeletal complaints commonly occur within 33 % of the population.
Acute musculoskeletal injuries, such as sprains, strains, tendinopathy, and stress fractures, are a range of disorders involving ligaments, muscles, tendons, bones, and associated neurovasculature. Common causes include sudden impact, physical muscular overloads, or repetitive use of a joint or particular muscle group. Such injuries are associated with significant short-term disability and constitute a significant demand on primary and hospital care. Generally, the principle of the management of acute musculoskeletal injuries is to provide symptomatic relief so that a return to activity and rehabilitation can begin, and the pre-injury level of function is regained without overtly compromising tissue healing
In this respect, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are commonly used to limit inflammation and to control pain, and appear to facilitate the return to function. However, these drugs are not always well tolerated and alternatives may need consideration.
Biopuncture can be defined as a therapeutic measure which uses biotherapeutics for injections into specific point or areas.
Biotherapeutics are medicinal products, containing vitamins, minerals, herbal and homeopathic remedies in low doses. Medication prepared in this was does not supress the neuroimmunological reactions or interfere with the physiological defence system of the body. These remedies are injected to evoke and regulate natural healing, to regulate inflammatory processes that have been suppressed and to stimulate the detoxification mechanisms of the body.
The ampoules can be injected into pain zones, pain points, and trigger points. The products can be injected subcutaneously, in muscles, near tendons, in bursae, joint capsules, and ligaments. The clinical effect results from both the medication as well as from the needle penetrating tissues. Both the products as well as the injection techniques are standardized in order to maximize results and clinical safety. This injection technique is applied in several areas where other treatment modalities have failed.
Research using biopuncture and biotherapeutics have shown to be as effective as conventional treatments in various musculoskeletal injuries. Schneider et al (2005) showed that Traumeel was as effective as diclofenac in the acute symptomatic treatment of tendinopathies. In a randomised double blind control study, Gonzalez de Vega et al (2013), showed that Traumeel was as effective as diclofenac in reducing pain and improving mobility in an acute ankle sprain.
Although only two studies have been mentioned here, there has been sufficient research on a variety of the biotherapeutics in the treatment of musculoskeletal injuries, disorders and conditions affecting other systems of the body. Pain Relief with Biopuncture
By Dr Mande Scheepmaker Mtech Hom (UJ) BSc Enviro Sci (RAU)
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