2 Hour Live Talk with access to the recording, available to watch for 3 months after the event.
Course Description
Differentiating the source of buttock pain can often be challenging & frustrating. Directing management to the incorrect source will only negate a good outcome, create fearfulness and anxiety in the patient which may potentially lead to a chronic pain state.
As Clinicians, we need to be able, clinically, to differentiate between a local source (Local nerve entrapment, Gluteal tendinopathy, ‘Piriformis syndrome’, Hamstring, Ischiofemoral tendinaopthy (eg)) versus a Lumbar spine referral (Facet joint arthropathy, Nerve root entrapment, Spinal stenosis (eg)) or an SIJ referral. We also can’t afford to miss ‘red flags’ such as spondyloarthropathies or gynaecological issues.
An accurate clinical diagnosis, aided by the appropriate investigations will direct us to better treatment & rehabilitation.
The aim of this Live Webinar is to empower the attendee to better diagnose & manage this patient group, including assisting & advising the patient of how to deal with all other associated factors or ancillaries, such as weight, hormonal influences, co-morbidities & sleep hygiene.
I look forward to sharing this information with you in the upcoming Live Webinar
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